км 2
the total
area is
people in the region
The Kurgan Oblast is part of the Ural Federal District, with the city of Kurgan as its administrative center.
The time zone is MSK +2. The Trans-Siberian Railway and the federal Irtysh highway R-254 pass through the region.
to Kurgan (highway)
to Kurgan (highway)
to Kurgan (highway)
to Kurgan (highway)

districts (Kurgan, Shadrinsk)
(Almenevskii, Zverinogolovskii, Lebyazhievskii, Kargapolskii, Kurtamyshskii, Makushinskii, Petukhovskii,
Mokrousovskii, Mishkinskii, Tselinnyi, Shadrinskii, Shatrovskii, Shumikhinskii, Yurgamyshskii)
The Kurgan Oblast occupies a unique geographical and geopolitical position in Eurasia. It is located at the junction of the Urals and Siberia in the basins of the Tobol and Iset rivers and is a kind of gateway to Siberia.
The Kurgan Oblast has rich mineral resources. The following minerals are mined in the Kurgan Oblast: uranium, bentonite clays, mineral and underground potable waters, building stones, brick clays, masonry sands.
There are more than 3,000 lakes in the Kurgan Oblast. Some of them meet or exceed the best Russian and world analogues in terms of their mineralogical properties of water and occurrence of therapeutic mud.
The Kurgan Oblast is one of the uranium mining regions of Russia, the reserves of bentonite clays account for about 20% of the reserves of Russia, the Shadrinsk mineral water field is considered to be unique in the Ural Federal District.
in the Kurgan Oblast
Unused land in the Kurgan Oblast is arable land being put into use at minimal cost. A map of investment sites has been developed, according to which land plots are allotted by each municipality. The list includes territories intended for allocating production and industrial facilities, as well as lands for agricultural use and housing development.
More than 20% of the Kurgan Oblast area is covered with forests. Most of them are birch tree forests, making up about 60%, coniferous forests go to another 30%, aspen and poplar trees reach 10%. The main available inventory of coniferous and soft-wooded broadleaved timber are concentrated in the northern and northwestern parts of the Kurgan Oblast. The forest has not only a beneficial effect on the Kurgan Oblast nature and agriculture development, but also is a raw material for timber and woodworking industries.
The health-improving lake resorts of the region are well-known far beyond the Kurgan Oblast. the oldest health resort in the Kurgan Oblast is located on the shores of Lake Gorkoye - Victoriya in the Shchuchanskii district. The largest health improving reservoir in the Kurgan Oblast is Lake Medvezhye in the Petukhovskii district. According to its therapeutical properties, the water of Lake Medvezhye is analogous to the water of the Dead Sea. A popular place for recreation and recreation is Gorkoye Lake in the Zverinogolovskii District.
Deposits of building stones, brick clays, expanded clay raw materials, building sands, sand and gravel rocks, glass sands, molding sands, building loams.
Deposits of agrochemical raw materials of the Kurgan Oblast are represented by reserves of drag turf and sapropel.
Drag turf reserves and resources of the Kurgan Oblast amount to 49,387 thousand tons. Drag turf can be used as energy fuel, fertilizer, bedding in livestock and poultry farming and other areas.
Lacustrine deposits of sapropel are represented by the sapropel reserves of carbonate, organo-silicate and silicate classes. -
The therapeutic mud of the Kurgan Oblast lakes has high health-promoting effect and it is absolutely competitive with the well-known therapeutic mud of the southern resorts of Saki, Pyatigorsk and Odessa coastal lakes.
The most studied and explored deposits are the therapeutic muds of Lake Gorkoye-Zverinogolovskoye in the Zverinogolovskii District, Lake Gorkoye-Victoriya in the Shchuchanskii District, Lake Medvezhye in the Petukhovskii District and Lake Ptichye in the Shumikhinsky District. -
Four deposits and five prospects of iron ores have been identified on the territory of the Kurgan Oblast. The ores are of the magnetite skarn type, which is the most valuable raw material for metallurgical processing. The average total iron content in the ores of the deposits ranges from 33.04 to 38.0%.
The only bentonite clay deposit in the Ural Federal District - Zyryanskoye - is located in the Kurgan Oblast.
Bentonite clays in modified granular form and in the form of bentonite powder are sold to enterprises in Russia and Kazakhstan to use them as molding materials in foundry, to produce iron ore pellets, as well as to prepare drilling muds used in drilling deep wells for oil and gas. -
16 fields and water intake areas.
The Shadrinsk field of mineral waters is close in chemical composition to the waters of Essentuki-4 and Essentuki-17, with salinity 7-12 g/l.
The other fields produce therapeutic-table mineral water of the Mirgorodskii, Talitskii, Dzhavskii types with salinity 2 to 5 g/l.
The coldest month isJanuary
The warmest one isJuly
In the Kurgan Oblast, there are 449 watercourses with a total length of 5,175 kilometers, there are more than 3,000 lakes with a total area of 3,000 square kilometers, which is 4% of the area
There are excellent natural conditions to organize spa treatment and health-improving rest as well as large reserves of natural therapeutical resources, including sulphide silt mud, freshwater sapropels and transitional type of muds, chloride brines of lakes and chloride sodium and carbon dioxide mineral waters.
The main value of Kurgan region and the most important resource are its people. In the cities of the region, everything is being done to improve the quality of life: schools and kindergartens are being built, roads are being repaired, and infrastructure is being developed. In addition to unprecedented budgetary infusions, everything is being done for the development and growth of the business. Obviously, the more jobs with decent wages, the more stable the socio-economic situation and the higher the quality of life. Support for entrepreneurship carries the main goal – the creation of new jobs. An open and constructive dialogue with the business community is the key to the effective operation of these measures in practice and the concentration of resources in the most breakthrough areas.
753 002
421 522
64,4 %
64,4 %
The average monthly nominal accrued salary of employees of organizations in January-December 2023 amounted to 50,218 rubles, compared with the corresponding period of 2022 increased by 21.3%.
50 218,00 ₽
In the system of higher education of the Kurgan region in 2023, there were 14.7 thousand students in bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s programs. 3 thousand specialists with higher education graduated. The main areas of training: “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”, “Jurisprudence”, “Engineering, Technology and Technical Sciences”
3 000
In February 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation approved an individual program for the socio-economic development of the Kurgan region for 2020 – 2024. The strategic goal of the program is to create an efficient economy and ensure an outstripping pace of economic development, support for industry and the agro-industrial complex, and create conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. removal of infrastructure restrictions
equity for 3 years
- The Kurgan Oblast has fairly strong economic and humanitarian ties with more than 40 regions of Russia. Intergovernmental cooperation agreements have been concluded with 38 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The main participants in the interregional turnover of the Kurgan Oblast are the regions of the Ural Federal District.
- In the structure of Kurgan Oblast export traditionally the largest share is occupied by food products - grain of cereals and seeds of legumes, flour, confectionery, sausages and semi-finished meat products, dairy products.
- Non-food industrial products prevail in the structure of imports to the Kurgan Oblast: cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
medical instruments, fuels and lubricants, rolling of ferrous metals, tires and tires for cars, mineral fertilizers.
PAO Kurganmashzavod (PJSC)
PAO Kurganmashzavod (PJSC) is the largest enterprise in the Kurgan Oblast, number one player of the military-industrial complex of Russia, the only enterprise in the country that produces infantry fighting vehicles being in service with the armies of nearly three dozen countries around the world.
ZAO Kurganstalmost (CJSC)
ZAO Kurganstalmost (CJSC) is a metalworking company specializing in manufacturing steel structures for framework of bridges. The company is the leading enterprise in Russia producing metal structures for all types of bridges.
AO NPO Kurganpribor (JSC)
AO NPO Kurganpribor (JSC) is a leading enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Russia, specializing in producing various types of ammunition for all types and branches of troops.
(Kurgan Bus Plant)
OOO KAVZ (LLC) (Kurgan Bus Plant) is a machine-building enterprise specializing in producing medium-sized buses (length 8-10 m) for urban, suburban and intercity use. OOO KAVZ (LLC) is a part of GAZ Group automotive conglomerate.
AO SHAAZ (JSC) (Shadrinsk Automotive Components Plant)
AO Shadrinsk Automotive Components Plant (JSC) is a leading manufacturer of functional units and assemblies for automobile factories in Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries, and for the market of spare parts.
AO VZPPSO (JSC) (Vargashi fire-fighting and special equipment plant)
AO Vargashi fire-fighting and special equipment plant (JSC) specializes in manufacturing and repairing fire-fighting equipment. Today, the enterprise manufactures more than 50 models of equipment – fire tankers, ladders, special purpose fire trucks on the KAMAZ, URAL, ZIL, GAZ and IVECO-AMT chassis.
AO AK Korvet (JSC) is a leading manufacturer of a wide range of pipeline fittings, Christmas trees, wellhead equipment for oil and gas production and transportation, for fire extinguishing systems and housing and communal services.
PAO Sintez (PJSC)
PAO Sintez (PJSC) is a unique pharmaceutical company in Russia that produces active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished dosage forms, and medical products. Along with production activities, the company conducts research and development on creating new dosage forms.
LLC "Kurgan Valve Plant"
OOO Kurgan Valve Plant (LLC) specializes in manufacturing valves for oil, gas and chemical industries. All manufactured fittings are produced from high quality steels, alloyed as well as high-alloyed, climatic versions for temperate and cold climates, for aggressive and non-aggressive operation environments.
AO Kurgandormash (JSC)
AO Kurgandormash (JSC) is a mechanic engineering company manufacturing road-building and utility vehicles. The company is a qualified partner of many well-known companies producing special equipment: OAO KAMAZ (OJSC), AMO ZIL (OJSC), OAO MAZ (OJSC). The company has developed and produced more than 400 models and modifications of various road-building and utility vehicles.
AO Kataysk Pumping Plant (JSC)
AO Kataisk Pumping Plant (JSC) is an enterprise to produce centrifugal pumps for the chemical and petrochemical industry, metallurgy, fuel and energy complex, pulp and paper industry, housing and communal services, agriculture, land reclamation and other sectors of the national economy, the pumps are designed to pump pure water, condensation, light oils, superheated water, liquefied gases, sewage, sea and fresh water, chemically active and neutral liquids, for household water supply, as well as pump spare parts.
- PAO Kurganmashzavod (PJSC)
- ZAO Kurganstalmost (CJSC)
- AO NPO Kurganpribor (JSC)
(Kurgan Bus Plant)
- AO SHAAZ (JSC) (Shadrinsk Automotive Components Plant)
- AO VZPPSO (JSC) (Vargashi fire-fighting and special equipment plant)
- PAO Sintez (PJSC)
- LLC "Kurgan Valve Plant"
- AO Kurgandormash (JSC)
- AO Kataysk Pumping Plant (JSC)
PAO Kurganmashzavod (PJSC) is the largest enterprise in the Kurgan Oblast, number one player of the military-industrial complex of Russia, the only enterprise in the country that produces infantry fighting vehicles being in service with the armies of nearly three dozen countries around the world.
ZAO Kurganstalmost (CJSC) is a metalworking company specializing in manufacturing steel structures for framework of bridges. The company is the leading enterprise in Russia producing metal structures for all types of bridges.
AO NPO Kurganpribor (JSC) is a leading enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Russia, specializing in producing various types of ammunition for all types and branches of troops.
(Kurgan Bus Plant)
OOO KAVZ (LLC) (Kurgan Bus Plant) is a machine-building enterprise specializing in producing medium-sized buses (length 8-10 m) for urban, suburban and intercity use. OOO KAVZ (LLC) is a part of GAZ Group automotive conglomerate.
AO Shadrinsk Automotive Components Plant (JSC) is a leading manufacturer of functional units and assemblies for automobile factories in Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries, and for the market of spare parts.
AO Vargashi fire-fighting and special equipment plant (JSC) specializes in manufacturing and repairing fire-fighting equipment. Today, the enterprise manufactures more than 50 models of equipment – fire tankers, ladders, special purpose fire trucks on the KAMAZ, URAL, ZIL, GAZ and IVECO-AMT chassis.
AO AK Korvet (JSC) is a leading manufacturer of a wide range of pipeline fittings, Christmas trees, wellhead equipment for oil and gas production and transportation, for fire extinguishing systems and housing and communal services.
PAO Sintez (PJSC) is a unique pharmaceutical company in Russia that produces active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished dosage forms, and medical products. Along with production activities, the company conducts research and development on creating new dosage forms.
OOO Kurgan Valve Plant (LLC) specializes in manufacturing valves for oil, gas and chemical industries. All manufactured fittings are produced from high quality steels, alloyed as well as high-alloyed, climatic versions for temperate and cold climates, for aggressive and non-aggressive operation environments.
AO Kurgandormash (JSC) is a mechanic engineering company manufacturing road-building and utility vehicles. The company is a qualified partner of many well-known companies producing special equipment: OAO KAMAZ (OJSC), AMO ZIL (OJSC), OAO MAZ (OJSC). The company has developed and produced more than 400 models and modifications of various road-building and utility vehicles.
AO Kataisk Pumping Plant (JSC) is an enterprise to produce centrifugal pumps for the chemical and petrochemical industry, metallurgy, fuel and energy complex, pulp and paper industry, housing and communal services, agriculture, land reclamation and other sectors of the national economy, the pumps are designed to pump pure water, condensation, light oils, superheated water, liquefied gases, sewage, sea and fresh water, chemically active and neutral liquids, for household water supply, as well as pump spare parts.
Kurgan region, located at the junction of the Urals and Siberia, occupies a favorable geo-economic position in the system of transport communications in the “south-north” direction with access to the international transport corridor “Transsib”
Lake MedvezhyeIt is an iconic landmark, the largest and most beautiful mineral mud lake in the region, the shoreline length of which is more than 60 km. The water body is divided by two peninsular ridges into the Bolshoye Medvezhye and the Maloye Medvezhye.
It is impossible to go down bodily in Lake Medvezhye, and it does not freeze even in the most severe frosts. The salinity of the water fluctuates within 120-360 g/l, depending on the annual precipitation, sometimes Lake Medvezhye
becomes saltier than the Dead Sea, as for its therapeutical mud, it has the equal healing properties. -
Dalmatovsky Holy Assumption MonasteryThe Monastry was founded in 1644 by Saint Dalmatus in a picturesque place on the banks of the Iset River. The Monastery has long become a mecca for pilgrims and tourists. It has not only a spiritual value, but it is also a wonderful architectural ensemble of ecclesiastical architecture.
The complex includes 3 churches - the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the gateway church of St. John the Theologian and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God ‘Joy of All Who Sorrow’, as well as the burial vault, the Chapel of the Monk Dalmatus of Isetsk. At the theological school, which operated at the monastery, a while ago some recognized people received their education such as the inventor of the radio A.S. Popov, the writer and traveler K.D. Nosilov, the founder of Tomsk University V.M. Florinskii, Head of the Russian Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin). -
Ethnocultural park "Savin"It is a unique monument of the Eneolithic era, which is 5,000 years old, it is older than the famous Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk Oblast and Stonehenge in the UK.
The Savin Sanctuary is an ancient observatory, where people of the Eneolithic era could measure time and predict seasonal changes in nature.
The museum complex also comprises the Sargat Mount, a place of rich burials of the unique ancient Sargat culture. -
‘Lenin is 100 Years Old’ ForestA live inscription was created in the Zverinogolovskii district in 1970, devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the revolutionary and founder of the Soviet state Vladimir I. Lenin. It took 40,000 pines to create the inscription. Its length is 600 meters, the size of each letter is 80 meters high. The inscription can be seen even from space.
In 2020, near the village of Pridorozhnyi in the Ketovskii district of the Kurgan Oblast, a pine geoglyph appeared in the form of the inscription ‘75 years of Victory’. The volunteers planted several thousand pine seedlings. -
Erokhinsky kvashni – mud "volcanoes" in the Kurgan regionErokhinsky kvashni are mud "volcanoes" in the Kurgan region, known among travelers for their unusual appearance and interesting legend.
These clay formations are a real natural phenomenon, where it is interesting to look if you are traveling in the Trans–Urals.
The nature of the origin of mud volcanoes has not yet been fully studied, and most of the information about them is the observations of local residents and independent travelers.
Yerokhinsky kvashni look like small wells made of clay, but in fact their depth reaches a very impressive size. Due to the biological decomposition of organic matter, gas is formed underground, which pushes clay to the surface. From above, it dries up and seals the "well" with a brittle dry crust. The area of individual cultivars can reach from 4 to 5 square meters.
Mud slides were named "sourdough" because of the strong similarity of clay with liquid yeast dough, which is covered with bubbles. They were named Erokhinsky after the village where they are located – Erokhina.
Locals said that many people tried to measure the depth of one of the wells using ropes tied together with a heavy stone tied to the end, but their length was not enough.
In 1936, one mud "kvashnya" grew to a height of 30 meters! The clay wall burst, and a stream of clean water gushed out of the pillar for several hours.
- Lake Medvezhye
- Dalmatovsky Holy Assumption Monastery
- Ethnocultural park "Savin"
- ‘Lenin is 100 Years Old’ Forest
- Erokhinsky kvashni – mud "volcanoes" in the Kurgan region
It is impossible to go down bodily in Lake Medvezhye, and it does not freeze even in the most severe frosts. The salinity of the water fluctuates within 120-360 g/l, depending on the annual precipitation, sometimes Lake Medvezhye
becomes saltier than the Dead Sea, as for its therapeutical mud, it has the equal healing properties.
The complex includes 3 churches - the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the gateway church of St. John the Theologian and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God ‘Joy of All Who Sorrow’, as well as the burial vault, the Chapel of the Monk Dalmatus of Isetsk. At the theological school, which operated at the monastery, a while ago some recognized people received their education such as the inventor of the radio A.S. Popov, the writer and traveler K.D. Nosilov, the founder of Tomsk University V.M. Florinskii, Head of the Russian Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin).
The Savin Sanctuary is an ancient observatory, where people of the Eneolithic era could measure time and predict seasonal changes in nature.
The museum complex also comprises the Sargat Mount, a place of rich burials of the unique ancient Sargat culture.
In 2020, near the village of Pridorozhnyi in the Ketovskii district of the Kurgan Oblast, a pine geoglyph appeared in the form of the inscription ‘75 years of Victory’. The volunteers planted several thousand pine seedlings.
These clay formations are a real natural phenomenon, where it is interesting to look if you are traveling in the Trans–Urals.
The nature of the origin of mud volcanoes has not yet been fully studied, and most of the information about them is the observations of local residents and independent travelers.
Yerokhinsky kvashni look like small wells made of clay, but in fact their depth reaches a very impressive size. Due to the biological decomposition of organic matter, gas is formed underground, which pushes clay to the surface. From above, it dries up and seals the "well" with a brittle dry crust. The area of individual cultivars can reach from 4 to 5 square meters.
Mud slides were named "sourdough" because of the strong similarity of clay with liquid yeast dough, which is covered with bubbles. They were named Erokhinsky after the village where they are located – Erokhina.
Locals said that many people tried to measure the depth of one of the wells using ropes tied together with a heavy stone tied to the end, but their length was not enough.
In 1936, one mud "kvashnya" grew to a height of 30 meters! The clay wall burst, and a stream of clean water gushed out of the pillar for several hours.
The diverse picturesque nature of the Kurgan Oblast, rich hunting fauna, game with excellent trophy qualities create a high potential for the development of hunting tourism.
- Roe deer
- Boars
- Moose
- Crucian carp
- Pike
- Peled