Sector: Innovative business
Provided by: The FSBI «Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology» within the framework of the «Commercialization» program
To: First-time entrepreneur


Grants in the form of subsidies for financial support of expenses related to the implementation of innovative projects, the results of which have the perspective of commercialization, except expenses for R&D and technology. Grants are provided to small innovative enterprises that have passed a competitive selection for the right to receive a grant in the amount of no more than 15 million rubles, subject to 100% co-financing from their own and (or) attracted funds of the third parties. Enterprises should have their own scientific, technical and financial background, occupy their niche in the market. Special attention will be paid to enterprises that are the most promising in terms of import substitution and an increase in domestic production demand.

More details on the website