The third Kurgan industrial park – Kurgan Energomash – is preparing to receive residents. Finishing work is currently underway on the future production area of 7,700 m². They are scheduled to be completed by the end of December. After that, it will be possible to place new enterprises here. It is planned that in the near future 3 residents will start working here, who will create 90 jobs. It is assumed that these will be metallurgical production, enterprises for the production of finished metal products, machinery and equipment.
“The industrial park is being built with the support of the government. As part of measures to create private industrial parks in the Kurgan Region, the investor was provided with a land plot and a subsidy of 204 million rubles. Together with the development of documents and construction, the implementation of the first stage of the project took a little over a year. The investor’s investments will amount to 65 million rubles. The park will soon receive its first residents. The second stage is ahead. In 2022, it is planned to build a greenfield site of 8.1 hectares. Thanks to this, Kurgan will receive several hundred new jobs, ”said Vladimir Arkhipov, Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region for Economic Policy.
He recalled that on the initiative of Governor Vadim Shumkov, I plan to create a network of 9 industrial parks in the Kurgan region. Including 5 – in Kurgan (two of them – the Kurgan industrial park and the industrial park “Territory of regional development”, created on the basis of the former factories KZKT and “Ikar”, are already working), and one each in Shadrinsk and in the territories of advanced social economic development “Vargashi” (the first stage completed), “Dalmatovo”, “Kataysk”.